Title: The Great Adventure!
We started off our Outdoor Education Days last week with a really great opportunity to go onto the Moors and learn some really key adventuring skills. On day one, the children split off into groups and navigated the way over the hills. They took turns with the map and the compass and, with some support, Birch Class made their way to Birch Tor before we headed to Grimspound for lunch. After, we headed back to the buses on a different route. The children were brilliant all around from their navigating to their listening. They made me super proud! On day two, they went rock scrambling. While I wasn't able to join them, Mr Frewin was very impressed with them. They did an awesome job, especially with all the heights and small spaces they had to climb through. They definitely deserve a well-rested weekend. Please enjoy some photos from the experience!
I hope everyone has had a happy and safe week.
While most of the days in school this week have been preparing for our St Patrick's Day assembly, the children have worked very hard this week. In addition to the assembly, Birch Class finished off our fractions topic in maths and continued writing out the first drafts of their biographies. Today, some children finished their final drafts. I have been really impressed with the hard work and consideration they have been putting into their writing. Today, St Patrick himself (in his green cape) and his lovely assistant (sporting four-leaved clover spectacles) delivered special packages to the whole school community. It was great to see the children of Chagford with their shamrock stickers and politely thanking the Year 5s for the surprise! Next week, we will be off doing adventurous activities on Monday and Tuesday. Mr Frewin will be joining us as well as some parent volunteers, which we are very grateful for! We will also start our humorous arguments in writing, using 'The Day the Crayons Quit' as inspiration. It is one of my favourite writing pieces of the year! In maths, we will start on decimals and percentages. We will also continue our lessons electrical circuits. Please note that there was no spelling this week due to strike days but it will commence again on Wednesday. Additionally, I will expect the children to bring in their reading journals on Wednesday as they will not get a chance on Monday with us being out of school. It would be great to see all the reading journals in. There has been a dip in the number of journals I am seeing and the entries in them. The children are responsible for reminding you but please ask about their reading journal if they forget. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort! Happy St Patrick's Day everybody! This week has been quite a busy week for Birch Class!
We have started learning about biographies in English and have looked at passive voice, formal verbs, clauses, parentheses and adverbials. The children have been brilliant! We will start writing next week so all children should have someone famous who has overcome adversity to write about. It would be great for them to pick someone themselves so they are writing about someone they admire. In maths, we started our second fractions unit by looking at multiplying fractions by an integer. As we continue this short maths topic, we will also look at calculating a fraction of a quantity or amount too. Birch Class have gotten off to a good start with this so far! In geography, we have started learning about biomes. This week we have looked at what a biome is and where in the world you find different biomes as well as what causes them (climate!). We will explore the different ways that biomes can form based on climate, water currents and more. After this, we will look at three different biomes - taiga, tundra and savanna - and examine their characteristics and the impact of humans on them. Another exciting event from this week was recording a song for the Festival of Hope where the children sand beautifully. We also had World Book Day. I loved seeing all the children in costume and reading the monster descriptions we did in the morning. In the afternoon, we designed book tokens for a competition that World Book Day is having and the children created some beautiful designs. Finally, today we had Woodland Schools where the children created portraits using only what they had around them with some pretty cool results! |
AuthorWelcome to the class blog for Year 4/5 - Birch Class at Chagford Primary School. Archives
January 2025
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