A busy last week and a half for the Year 5`s!
Maths: Birch Class have just completed the White Rose unit on decimals and percentages and made excellent progress. When they return from the Easter break, we will be looking at Perimeter and area. English: The children recently completed Monster Mini Sagas for a national competition. These stories had a limit of just 100 words – quite a challenge for them! They have completed their work based on “Freedom Bird” – a story about the slave trade and, in connection, have written a chronological biography about Harriet Tubman – a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad. What a brave, determined and remarkable lady she was. After Easter, we will be looking at “The Lizzie & Belle Mysteries – Drama and Danger”. This book is about “Friendship, a fight for freedom and a race against time to solve a mystery before danger strikes again!” Exciting stuff! Subsequent writing will be based on this. Book Club: Year 5 are continuing to enjoy “Cogheart” by Peter Bunzl – a mysterious adventure featuring a little girl called Lily, Robert (the clockmaker`s son) and Malkin (a mechanical fox). Geography: Birch Class are continuing to look at Biomes – and have initially researched Grassland, Rainforest, Aquatic and Desert. That`s all from me for now. I hope you all have a wonderful, restful Easter break. Thank you so much to all the parents for your kind words of support and encouragement. Best wishes, Mr Dray
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