Dear all,
This morning our year 6s turned 'teacher' on us and took their presentations on The Respiratory System and Asthma' to the year 3s. They all rose to the challenge and our younger pupils were treated to tours of the respiratory system courtesy of a team of air particles! Year 3 commented that they had learnt a lot and the presentations were fun so well done, all. There are a couple of photos attached for you to enjoy. We are still working hard and have ventured into the realms of spooky stories this week. We have investigated several stories from the 'Short'/'Short and Spooky' collection of books and have used a text called Norton's Hut by John Marsden and Peter Gouldthorpe. The children have really been immersed in creating spooky atmospheres - I'm looking forward to reading their stories. Next half term, we shall be looking at the different writing styles incorporated within walking guides. If any of you are out walking over the half term, it would be good if you were able to browse any guide books that you might have. We shall be looking at the mix of instruction, information and description. Have a good week everyone.
Hello all,
Thank you for all the support that you gave the children running up to and during their SATs week. It could not have been calmer and we were so impressed with the way in which each and every one of them approached the tests with such maturity and determination. We are so proud of them all. I think that the cinema trip last week went down well too. It was really funny and was made even more hilarious through the references to many other heist-type movies (Ocean’s 11, Point Break, Kingsman – some extra moments to raise a smile for the adults). This week has been a much more relaxed affair with the children grappling with technology to produce slide presentations with script about the respiratory system and what happens during asthma attacks. They’re looking really great and I have been in conversation with year 3 to whom they shall make their presentations so ‘get practising those accents!’ (they’ll tell you what I’m talking about.) The next project will be to study spooky stories and write one of our own. In Maths, we shall continue to revise and practise our arithmetic and consolidate all the units covered this year. In between times, rehearsal for A Midsummer Night’s Dream are now in full swing and there are some superb performances in the making. We have also been squeezing in time (during class novel times) for making a pom pom garland in Ukranian colours to grace the front of school as our sunflowers grow. Thank you also for all the wonderful baking contributions for the cake sale today. Have a super weekend |
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January 2025
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