ARTS (Art, Drama, Music and Dance)
The school PTFA still has funds from the hugely successful Art Auction from a couple of years ago, which we aim to put to good use this year, supporting our intent for children to think critically and develop an understanding of art and design, whilst learning how the arts reflect and shape history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth both locally and globally. So it is time to equip the children and teachers with the tools they need to get creative!
The school is expecting to commission a recommended artist imminently to develop our library area into an enchanting space to captivate our children's imagination and support our school's aim to instil a love of reading in all children, no matter their age or ability. However, our Chagford children are incredible artists of all persuasions and we would love to be able to show them all off to you, whether through the medium of art, drama, music or dance. Thank you! TARGET: £15,000 Examples of how your funds might be spent:
This button will take you to the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust fundraising page for Chagford CE Primary School.