Celebration of the Earth The school continues its collaboration with St Michael the Archangel and the local COP26 community group, by participating in the monthly Celebration of the Earth events. In February, the whole school made St Brigid crosses, as part of the celebration of Imbolc which, in the old Gaelic calendar, falls roughly halfway between winter solstice and the spring equinox, marking the turning of the seasons. These crosses represent peace and goodwill. The March event was an informative THREE HARES evening, with a fascinating history of origins of the three hares symbol, provided by Chris Chapman. It was an interesting link for us as a member of the Three Hares hub of schools. April was a particularly touching event. It was on the subject of "Farming our Moor" and three guests held a Q&A panel, speaking about their lives as Dartmoor Commoners, and their concerns for the future. The shared worry was about succession planning; who would tend their land once they were gone, and what might happen to it if no-one cared for it. Our Year 6 pupil, Emily, read out a moving poem about The Woods, written by Oliver in Year 5. We feel very proud of our pupils when they can stand up in front of a crowd and speak so beautifully. AUTUMN TERM 2021
AUTUMN FESTIVAL The school held its inaugural Autumn Festival in November, opening itself up at last to the community - something the school has been unable to do since the pandemic began in early 2020. Our thanks to the PTFA for its exceptional organisation and management on the day! We were able to take members of the community (as well as parents, relatives and carers) on tours of the school and its magnificent grounds, which were greatly appreciated. There were numerous stalls: tombola; welly-wanging; a DIY craft stall and face-painting, which were fully operational all day! Along with an apple press, there was a BBQ and a cake stand... no-one left the grounds hungry! Huge thanks to those parents, grandparents and friends that helped on the day, Jill Millar and Ralph Mackridge for the loan of the Apple Press, A.L Martin and Sons for a great deal on their delicious Old English sausages, Thomas’ Bakery for a discount on rolls, Pam of The Fruit Loop for lovely English apples at cost, Julia of Beachwood Bakery who did her very best Prue Leith and judged our Cracking Chagford Cake Scoff and provided winners’ vouchers, Max H and Lucy for setting up their fabulous fruit kebab stand and a few very generous families who donated all the food, drink and prizes. |
The school participated in the community event Celebrating the Earth - Cradling the Community of Creation which took place at St Michael’s, Chagford for the duration of COP26 in November. The focus was on hope, not just party politics or personalities and all sorts of people from across the Chagford area were involved. The schoolchildren brought nature items to school, that were special to them in some way (perhaps from a favourite place on the moors, or from Grannie's garden), where they were blessed by Rev'd Paul, before being moved up to church to form part of the community's nature mandala, the centrepiece to the event. They also contributed to a series of displays and prayer stations, with artwork and poetry recitals, |
As always, Remembrance Sunday is an enormously important event in our school calendar. We were delighted to be represented at the Sunday Service of Remembrance held outside in the beautiful autumn sunshine, by a number of our pupils. Three Year 6 students read "The Inquisitive Mind of a Child" as part of the service, and were excellent ambassadors for the school. |
The school has been invited by the Chagford shopfront community to participate in the Christmas celebrations as part of the town's late night shopping initiative on 9th December. Watch this space for further details!
The school has been invited by the Chagford shopfront community to participate in the Christmas celebrations as part of the town's late night shopping initiative on 9th December. Watch this space for further details!
The school has been invited to take part in St Michael's Christingle celebrations. Watch this space for further details!
The school has been invited to take part in St Michael's Christingle celebrations. Watch this space for further details!