Some of our cross-country placings which were out of over 50 runners in some categories. Well done to all runners.
Year 3/4 B Billy 5th Year 3/4 G Molly T 3rd Tabitha9th Lacey10th Overall 3rd Year 5/6 B Joe T 4th Bruno 21st Year 5/6 G Aly 11th Lily 18th Matilda 21st Overall 5th
Over the last half term, children across the school have been working incredibly hard on their striking and fielding skills, discovering lots of future cricket and tennis superstars. They have shown resilience to improve their reactions and responses and challenged themselves with different skills. It has been lovely to see the children playing tennis and practising their skills at lunchtimes with their peers and showing such a keen interest.
We have had some our pupils recently compete at a high level with great success. All of our school cross country runners have raced around some beautiful but also challenging locations in our local area; Simmons Park, Abbeyford Woods and in Chagford at the clubhouse and climbing Meldon hill. There have been some close finishes and well done to all competitors for completing the courses. Joe Thorn captained his North Tawton Under 11 team in the Devon finals at Tiverton Town Stadium. He proudly lifted the winning trophy as well as praising his team for their performance. He has written a detailed write up of the event which is displayed on our PE board. Millie Jordan confidently rode her pony, Moortown Music Man at the Devon County Show. She won her class and went through to the Championship where she won overall Champion. "Congratulation to Millie Jordan and Moortown Music Man for winning the Mountain and Moorland Championship in a large class at this years show. We were impressed at how well all of the ponies and children behaved, braving the torrential rain, thunder and lightening as the class was taking place. Well done to all competitors." Mercedes, DCS Horse Secretary. Freddie D and Monty S have been working hard to improve their football skills and teamwork with the Okehampton Argyle U7 team. They both received trophies for their commitment and dedication towards the team. Monty won a second trophy for 'Most improved player.' Chagford Swimming Pool opens this Saturday and hopefully we'll have some more sunny weather to enjoy it. Andy said that the water is at a 'tropical temperature!' Good luck to everyone (parents, children and staff) running in the Two Hills Race on Monday. Mrs Jordan |
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