The final week of this half term has raced by! One of the many highlights was the trip to St Michael's Church for the Harvest celebration service where the children sang heartily and Sam's rendition of the poem Pencil and Paint was beautiful and very touching. I would like to thank Yew Class for all their hard work this half term and also for the fun and friendship that they have shown to each other. I wish you all a happy and restful half term break. Pencil and Paint
Winter has a pencil For pictures clear and neat, She traces the black tree-tops Upon a snowy sheet. But autumn has a palette And a painting-brush instead, And daubs the leaves for pleasure With yellow, brown, and red. Eleanor Farjeon
Yew Class have made a cracking start to the academic year proving themselves to be curious, creative and collaborative learners. Above all, they are kind and caring towards each other and it is a pleasure to share in their learning journey.
So far this term, the RWI programme has got off to a great start and the class have also shared some wonderfully language rich stories together in Guided Reading. In Maths, the focus has been on Place Value with addition and subtraction following in the coming weeks. The children have enjoyed their Science topic on Light particularly the hands-on element with torches, mirrors and black boxes! The history topic on Famous Scientists and Engineers has really captured the imagination: their expert knowledge of Mary Anning and George Stephenson for example is terrific! In Art, Yew Class have been inspired by the Natural Sculptures of Andy Goldsworthy and in the lovely Autumn weather, have created their own nature collages utilising the beautiful natural resources that are found in the school grounds. The children have been exploring feelings and friendship in PSHE and in RE, Islam: their insightful and pertinent reflections never cease to amaze. In PE, Yew Class have enthusiastically taken part in Athletics, Fencing and Tag Rugby whilst also focusing on balance and agility during Wednesday indoor PE sessions. Computing is a popular time in the week and this term the children are perfecting the art of logging in and out and developing mouse control. The class are certainly blessed with strong and tuneful singing voices, and these are put to great effect during Music and French lessons and indeed, in Assembly. Thank you for all your support at home with your child's learning, listening to them read and sharing in books and book talk together - these conversations can be priceless and will make many happy memories for the future! |
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January 2025
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