What a year it has been! We have faced obstacles together and over come challenges together but we fought through and I believe we have become a stronger team - pupils, parents and staff together. We have welcomed new families to our school, continued old traditions and made some new ones. The ongoing Covid pandemic made it hard to get parents and carers into the school but with some ingenuity, and with help from our brilliant PTFA, we managed to make that happen - watch out there'll be more opportunities to come into school next year. In our weekly staff meeting on Wednesday we reflected together on some of the things which had gone well this past year - my page very quickly filled up - here's just a few of the things teachers wanted me to note down; Autumn Fair Christmas concert A Midsummer Night's Dream Work with Devon Wildlife Trust Brilliant sporting fixtures - especially our amazing cross country runners Our team spirit as a whole community on the days we welcomed the inspectors Lots of success for individual pupils - some facing real challenges New teachers welcomed into the school and thriving in their roles New EYFS leader making huge improvements in that area Huge improvements in children's presentation and in writing across the school Brilliant Sports Day Visits from Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve Summer Fayre (Splat the Teacher!) I wonder if I've included the events you remember best! Three Hares Local Stakeholder Board News I would like to say on behalf of the Stakeholder Board, a huge thank you to all Three Hares’ staff, parents and carers and, most of all the pupils, for another wonderful year in our schools. I wish all the Year Six Leavers all the best in their next stage of education. After 4 years as a governor in the Three Hares Stakeholder Board (and prior to that 4 years as a governor at South Tawton school) it is time for me to step down as governor. It has been an absolute privilege to be a governor and as Chair I have supported the principals with the development of the Three Hares Hub. I must also say a huge thank you to all governors, past and present, with whom I have worked over the last 8 years. I am not going far I am now a Trustee on the DMAT Trust Board and as LSB Link Trustee I will still be involved with the schools and the LSB. I am very pleased to announce that Mel Holyoak and Liz Davidson are taking on the role of Joint Chairs and I know they will do an amazing job. Once again, a big thank you to everyone and hope you all have a great summer. Emma Neath Chair of Three Hares LSB Leavers' Service The Year Sixes impressed us so much at their Leavers' Service at the church of St Michael the Archangel this morning. They sang to us and performed a moving poem about leaving Primary School. We had beautiful performances on piano and clarinet from Arlo and Emily. We enjoyed a slideshow of photos of the wonderful adventures that they have had together over the last few weeks and they received their 'graduation folders' from Mrs Armstrong and Mr Finch. Thank you to the Reverend Paul for giving up a morning of his holiday to lead the service and for his thoughtful words. Thank you also to all the parents and carers who joined us to make this such a special occasion. Year Six - we are going to miss you so much. Term Dates 2022 - 2023 Autumn Term Term opens Wednesday 7th September Half Term: October 24th - 28th Term Ends Friday 16th December Spring Term Term opens Wednesday 4th January Half Term: February 13th to 17th Term Ends Friday March 31st Summer Term Term opens Monday April 17th Half Term: May 30th to June 2nd Term Ends Friday 21st July STOP PRESS!! I was ust about to press 'go' on this newsletter when I received the published report from our Ofsted inspection last month. I am very pelased to share that we recieved 'Good' in all areas. I will share the report with all of you later today. Rainbow Day What a wonderful sight it was when all the children poured into the playgorund on Friday wearing their bright and beautoiful Rainbow colours. I saw children happily wearing favourite colours, children in facncy dress, children with face paint, children with head dresses and falgs - all to celebrate the wodnerful diversity of our worl and the people in it. Different faiths and cultures, different passions and abilities, different family structures, different ways of thinking. All special, all unique, all welcome. Classes took part in activities loking at celebrating diversity thoughout the day and came together to share their results in assemb ly at the end of the day. It was just wonderful to welcome more than thirty parents and carers into that assembly. We haven't been able to do that for so long now and it felt very special to be able to do so now. We will be invoting parents and carers into Friday assemblies very much more frequently next year and I do hope you will be able to join us some time. The assembly finished with a poem from poet Henry Normal - I thought I would share it here as it's very apposite indeed. 'This is not a House of War' by Henry Normal This is not a house of war Everything I want for my children I want for your children Everything I wish for me I wish for you This is not a house of fear This is a house of life How can I not see myself in you? If you look, how can you not see yourself in me? You are respected as much as I am You are of worth in equal measure You are family You are us This is not a house of intolerance This is a house of acceptance We are the house – you and I This is where you belong This is where we belong This is your home This is our home Summer Fayre Huge thanks to the whole team whjo made our SUmmer Fayre such a lovely event on Friday. It was organised and run by the whole PTFA and thanks go to every one of them but special thanks for a massive effort go to Sue Bifani, Lucy Clements and Chloe Brooks-Warner who made a Herculea\n effort to pull it toether then managed to look so serence on the dayt that no one would have guessed how hard they had worked. I don't yet have a ball park figure for the fundraising - Sue will tell me when everything has been counted up and the floats have been taken out. There is still time to buy more raffle tickets - we will pull the winners on Friday. There was so much to do - windmill making with Anna and Ed, the card game, tombola, welly wanging, rowing machine challenge, penalty shoot out, raffle, amazing face painting, swat the rat and much more. The samba band played, people enjoyed drinks in the shade - it was the very picture of a perfect Summer Fayre. Thank you to every single person who helped to make it happen, who came along and spent some money or got together with frineds anbd creAthat lovely, inclusive, friendly feeling. Well done to all the children who made their own games and activities for others to play - Charlie's sock pairing game was a real hit. Work Party/Ground Force Team There's a few jobs around the school that I would love to get taken care of before we all head off for our summer holidays. I am going to come in to school on Saturday 16th July at 9:30 a.m. and I would love to see any parents, carers and community members who are free and willing to come and give a hand. I expect to work until 12:30. If you can help out with any of these jobs do come along and give me a hand and bring any tools that might be useful.
Sports Day Sports Day is happening this Friday with an event for key Stage One in the morning and an event for key Stage Two in the afternoon and with a finale for everyone in the afternoon. Look out for comms from Mr Frewin, our sports lead, with greater detail and finalised timings. You are welcome to attend the morning, the afternoon or both - it should be a lot of fun. The finale will include the famous Chagford Primary Year Six Sepctacular which parents of our leaving children will not want to miss. With the weatehr forecast to be hot you will want to make sure that children are suncreamed up, are wearing tops that cover shoulders and upper arms and have a hat. If it really is much too hot we may opt to gaive the children a break or shorten the event. We would be very grateful indeed for the load of gazebos and event shelters to protect children when they are not competing - do let us know if you can help out with this. Leaver's Service Our service at the church for our leaving Year Sixes is in the morning of the last day of term, 22nd July at 10:30 a.m. All parents, carers and extended family of the children who are moving on to new things are very warmly welcomed to attend. Summer Holidays The school will break up at the nmormal time on Friday 22nd July. CHildren return to school on Wednesday 7th September. Punctuality and Absence We have noticed some 'drift' in the last couple of weeks and it does feel like some families are getting children to school a little later than they have been. This impacts on the effectiveness of the start of the day. Can I please encourage everyone to make sure children are on the playground ready to line up before the bell rrings at ten to nine. Of course we all get delayed sometimes but I think it would show respect to the school, to the other pupils and to the teachers if we could make puntuality a real habit across the school. Let's not let this slip in the last fortnight. A lot of families are requesting days of absence at the moment. As principal it is not in my gift to grant days off for holidays or visits to relatives. There is simply no protocol under which I am permitted to do this. Of course we understand that following the panemic the opportnities to see relatives that we have not seen for years are very important and we sympathise entirely. I do ask families to fill out an absence request, that way we know where you are and do not become concerned for the safeguarding of the children, however absence for these reasons is registeredas 'unauthorised' pon our system. When pupils have more than ten sessions of unauthorised absnce I am required to contact families to let them know that attendance has fallen below the required level. When necessary I may request the involvement of an education welfare officer to support improved attendance. Family Friendly Event at Exeter Library - Saturday 27th August Messages from OCRA OCRA is holding its annual sports week from Sunday 17th to Sunday 24th of July this year, we’d love for you and your family to be part of it. There are 3 simple ways to get involved:
September 2024
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