August 2020 Dear Families, I hope you are all enjoying the holiday, despite the recent excessively rainy weather! I want to let you know of the measures we have in place for the full school return on Tuesday 8th September. We are keen for the children to return to their education and recognise how vital it is for their mental and physical wellbeing, offering them a more regular routine. By following the guidance outlined in this letter we hope to make the return to school as smooth as possible for you and your children. Please be reassured that we are still monitoring the situation with great care, and overall safety is central to the measures we are putting into place. Curriculum
We know that children will be returning to school with differing needs. Our priority in the first weeks will be to focus on ensuring children feel safe and secure. We will be using a learning programme to promote wellbeing and positive metal health through additional PSHE sessions. We will also be assessing individual needs and making sure all children are supported to continue their national curriculum learning journey. We will make arrangements to discuss learning needs and set targets for the year ahead once the children have settled and we have a good picture of their needs. Social distancing and hygiene We have made the following arrangements to comply with DFE expectations to ensure best practice regarding social distancing and hygiene to prevent the spread of Covid 19. Travelling to school arrangements As far as possible, children should walk or cycle to school. If car sharing with another family, we ask that adults wear masks and have the windows open. If your child is eligible for school transport, please contact the Devon transport team on 0345 155 1019 or [email protected]. In keeping with social distancing regimes, we ask that children queue outside classes and we respectfully ask that parents don’t loiter and chat. At the moment, we are not able to have parents in the building. Entering and leaving time arrangements To reduce the number of children and parents arriving and departing at the same time, we have a staggered entry and exit times. Group Arrival Departure EYFS 8.40 - 8.50 3.20 Year 1&2 Beech 8.40 - 8.50 3.20 Year 3 Oak 8.45 - 8.55 3.25 Year 4&5 Hawthorn 8.50 - 9.00 3.30 Year 6 Birch 8.50 - 9.00 3.30 We appreciate that parents with more than one child will need to bring them all at the same time, we ask that they come for the later time. Children will go straight in to the building, using different doors to reduce the amount of human traffic in one area. Group/room Gates/routes Lining up Entrance/exit EYFS Chagford side gate Alongside of school Through own side door Year 1&2 Beech Middle gate In front of class external door Through own door Year 3 Oak Chagford side gate Alongside of school Through side door Year 4&5 Hawthorn Chagford side gate Alongside of school Through side door Year 6 Birch Middle gate In front of school Through main door Hand washing and PPE arrangements As children enter school, they will wash hands and sanitise. Hand washing and sanitising will be expected as they go out to play and return to the class and when they go to the toilet. We have increased our cleaning regime and classroom tables will be cleaned at lunch time as well as after school. We have a supply of masks, face shields, gloves and aprons (PPE) available for staff should they need to have close contact with a child for I:1 work, administrating first aid, or intimate care (nappy changing) Children do not need to wear masks, but if you wish your child to, and they are comfortable to, that is fine. Changes to our learning environment Each class is considered a bubble. While the children will not be able to sit a metre apart in class, the desks are all facing forward to reduce spread of airborne germs. At present we are not able to mix bubbles, so children will have lunch and play with their class bubbles. We are also not able to hold whole school assemblies. Clubs will have limited numbers so that social distancing can be put in place where bubbles mix. In class and outside activities will be carefully planned to make sure children are not sharing equipment. At the moment we will not be singing or using woodwind instruments but will have carefully planned music lessons with sanitising of instruments between sessions. In order to establish as normal a school experience as possible, we ask that all children are dressed in correct school uniform and shoes and bring a bag containing their PE kit and trainers/plimsolls as usual. Please ensure that your child has their own, named water bottle in school each day. We will be providing books, pens and pencils for the children’s individual use, but they are also welcome to bring in their own pencil cases and equipment if they prefer. These should be stored in school in their trays and should not be shared with any other pupils. The children will be able to choose books from the school and class libraries providing they sanitise their hands before choosing. Returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before being placed back on the shelves. Lunch arrangements Please provide a packed lunch for your children, including cutlery if needed (e.g. spoons for yoghurts) Packed lunches will be provided for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children, children registered for free school meals and for the usual cost at parent request. Children will eat lunch in class before going out to play in designated areas of the playground. Behaviour expectations When we discuss behaviour expectations with children, we talk about being ready, respectful and safe. We will explain the new arrangements and expectations to children in a clear and factual way. It is our anticipation that all children will comply with these additional rules, alongside our usual rules so they are ready to learn, respectful of themselves and others, and keep themselves and others safe. If a child is unable or unwilling to comply, we will discuss with parents immediately as a matter of serious concern. Illness In the event of illness, we will isolate your child and inform you straight away so you can collect your child. If Covid 19 is suspected or diagnosed, we will inform parents of the bubble. It’s important that if your child (or anyone in the household) has any coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, they do not attend school and stay at home. You should arrange for your child to get a test and tell us the test results. This will help the NHS Test and Trace process. If you have a positive test result, your household should remain at home and follow the Test and Trace self-isolation guidance. I want to reassure you that our risk assessments have been approved by DMAT, Governors, Trustees and Unions. This is available on the school website. Public Health England has developed leaflets to answer the most frequently asked questions about your children’s return to school. For those children who were unable to come to school in July for our taster day, or for any parents or children experiencing high levels of anxiety, there will be an opportunity to visit the school on Friday 4th or Monday 7th September. You will be required to book in by directly emailing me. You will have an opportunity to visit the classroom/s. Adults must wear a face covering and you will be escorted throughout your visit. The visit will last for about 15 minutes. Please note that numbers will be limited. Friday 4th September 15.00 or 15.30, Monday 7th September 15.00 or 15.30. I know these times are difficult, and many people have shared concerns about the reopening of schools. Please be assured that all staff were fully inducted with health and safety measures throughout our partial opening over the last months and will have further training on our INSET days prior to the children returning in September. Do enjoy the last week of the holiday and as always, please drop me an email if you have any concerns. I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 8th September. All the very best, Tara Penny Head of School Comments are closed.
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