Flourishing Year Four enjoyed a beautiful walk organised by Mr Frewin and Magnus' mum River walk. I have heard all about it from the children. They wandered through meadows, spotted wildlife, caught salmon, painted watercolours, paddled in the river and so much more. I could hardly be more jealous! As a church school we often think about how we can make sure we are teaching the 'whole child' - enabling them to live 'life in all its fulness and John 10:10 puts it. Days like that Year Four River walk really exemplify the sort of education that we want our children to have - at peace with themselves, in harmony with the people around them and connected to the wide, wide world around and beyond them. Lovely! Year One and two had a visit to the church. They learnbed so much and , by all accounts, had the most terrific time. Mrs Robertson was positively glowing when she filled me in on the day. Well done children and a big thank you to the people involved in the church who gave us such a warm welcome and such an interesting introduction. Year Six had a taster day at Okehampton College yesterday. I cannot wait to hear how it all went. Kael has been in school again today running our Woodland School provision. I've jsut popped out to check on our Year Fours and Sixes having ntheir time out in the copse and found them busily creating bird traps of all things - poor birds! Fantastic Mr Fox Our production of Fantastic Mr Fox hits the stage in the amphitheatre next week. We have performances on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons as well as on Friday evening. Tickets remain for all afternoon performances. It's best to buy tickets online via the link Buy tickets. As I communicated last week, these performances will be goling ahead despite the strike action by the NEU. Colleagues within the union at Chagford Primary feel strongly that they would wish to support that action however, they feel even more strongly that we want our pupils to have the opportunity to perform thier show to parents, carers and the wider community - we have invested too much time, energy and money to throw that away. We want to thank colleagues in the NEU for this decision which we know will have been a very hard one. Lydia has communicated with parents about costume and what time children need to be back at school for the evening performance. If you haven't recieved this information, please contact Elaine who will be able to make sure you know everything you need to know. Call out for Cakes and Bakes from the PTFA Dear Parents and Carers, The PTFA will be selling refreshments at the performances and the Summer Fayre next week. We are asking for donations of cakes or other baked goods to be sold at the Friday performances (7th July) and the Summer Fayre (8th July). If you are able to donate any baked goods please take to the school office by 1pm on Friday 7th July. Many thanks in advance. The PTFA Committee Sponsored Swim Have you heard about Lumi Nova? It's a new therapeutic mobile game to help 7-12 year olds learn to self-manage their fears and worries.Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage provides a fun, safe and engaging way for children and young people to tackle their worries head on so they can build resilience, gain confidence and thrive.
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September 2024
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