Flourishing This week, our production of 'Fantastic Mr Fox' seems to have stepped up a gear. I'm hearing the songs being practiced and seeing little groups of children working with Lydia on their scenes. The Year Six Rat Rap seems sure to be a highlight but every class will have parts to make their parents proud. We'll have performances on the 5th, 6th and 7th of July so make a note in the diary. Splendid work from Chagford teams made a very happy trip to play cricket in Hatherleigh. Two teams accompanied by Mr Frewin played a round robin. In terms of the final scoreline we didn't make quite the impact that we are accustomed to, but, in terms of sportmanship and good attitude we topped the table. Plus a number of children were pleased to have beaten old friends from South Tawton. Well done everyone. The weather has been just beautiful these last few days and has caused me to take another look at the school grounds - the garden at the front of the school is looking exceptional at the moment. Huge thanks to Nicky and to the party of volunteers who come along every Wednesday to keep it looking fantastic. The fennel is already wonderful. By the end of July it will be extraordinary. Break the Rules Day On Friday 26th May Children are invited to 'Break the Rules' for one day only! The Rules to be broken are: 1. You must wear school uniform 2. Your hair must be it's normal colour and sensible style 3. You must use a proper school bag 4. You must not wear make-up 5. You must not bring in any soft toys or mascots (Children can break as many of these rules as they wish but these must not affect the ability to learn.) In exchange we are asking for a donation of a tombola or raffle prize for the PTFA summer fayre. This can be as simple as a tin of baked beans or as elaborate as a magnum of champagne! Many thanks in advance. The PTFA Committee Celebrating the Earth - Ponies Next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. we will be gathering in the church to celebrate the earth and, more specifically, to celebrate the ponies that share the morrs around us and, occasionally, our roads and front gardens. Children from the school will be singing 'Widdicombe Fair'. Do please copme along to enjoy the event. It won't go on for long and, if it's like any of the foregoing events, it will be a real treat. Woodland School The children enjoyed their session with Kael and Chloe today. I enjoyed spending time with Year Five as they played 'Heads Dwon, Heads Up', played the great animal clue game to learn more about the mighty stoat and created art from found, natural materials to show some of the animals that live around us. Have a look at these pictures and see if you can work out what animals the children were thinking of. Thank you to Kael and Chloe for the session and thank you to everyone who has contributed to fund this experience. Thank you!
Thank you to all our parents and carers for making sure children are getting to school on time. Fewer and fewer children are arriving late and teachers tell me that they are able to get to learning much more quickly in the morning. Our attendance has been strangely variable this week with a high of 97% on Wednesday and a dissapointing 90% today. Thank you to our brilliant teaching team - that's teachers, teaching assistants and HLTA's. Despite the challenging timmes that we are living in, I am moved every single day by the love and focus that they bring to their work at our school. Thank you to Elaine Lawson who works so hard in such a challenging and disparate role yet always has a smile for everyone and an instantly calming manner. I couldn't do this job without her. Thank you children for making smile every day. Thank you especially to maddie who saw I was very tired at lunchtime and brought me a knitted blanket to nap under - we don't usually expect such kindness and empathy from our three year old pupils! Comments are closed.
September 2024
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