We make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to sing in tune and with other people. Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music from classics to contemporary pieces. As children get older, we expect them to maintain their concentration for longer and to listen to more extended pieces of music. Children develop descriptive skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions. We teach them the disciplined skills of recognising pulse and pitch. Also, we teach the children how to work with others to compose music and perform for an audience. Our main priority is to teach and perfect the skills implemented by the National Curriculum for Music. It is intended to provide greater clarity and flexibility, allowing for the development and progression in musical skills. Our music scheme of work complements this and scaffolds the learning opportunities throughout the Key Stages. We aim to provide positive musical experiences that motivate and inspire the children’s learning and experiences. AIMS The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
AUTUMN 2020 |
SPRING 2021 |
SUMMER 2021 |
YEAR 1 |
Hey You Rhythm In the Way We Walk |
In The Groove Round & Round |
Your Imagination Reflect, Rewind
& Replay |
YEAR 2 |
Hands, Feet, Heart Ho Ho Ho |
I Wanna Play in a Band Zootime |
Friendship Song Reflect, Rewind
& Replay |
YEAR 3 |
Dragon Song Local Music History |
Three Little Birds Let Your Spirit Fly |
Bring Us Together Glockenspiel - Stage
1 |
YEAR 4 |
Mamma Mia Glockenspiel -
Stage 2 |
Stop Lean On Me |
Blackbird Rock History |
YEAR 5 |
Livin' On A Prayer Classroom Jazz 1 |
Make You Feel My Love The Fresh Prince of
Bel Air |
Dancing in the
Street Reflect, Rewind
& Replay |
YEAR 6 |
Happy Classroom Jazz 2 |
A New Year Carol You've Got a Friend |
Music & Me Reflect, Rewind
& Replay |