Another week over already!
We have been busy working on our value of Kindness this week; playing games which include everybody; talking about falling out and making up and sharing our toys and equipment, which isn't always easy at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years old! We have been practising our writing skills; even our very youngest children are getting the hang of it! The children have also been working extremely well together to dig a big hole in our muddy area; 3 times we filled it and 3 times its been dug deep enough to rival the pothole on Venton Straight! Remember it's only 4 days at school next week then the Easter Holidays! Have a great weekend Sara and the FSU Team
This week we had visitor in the form of a new lamb! It caused quite a stir throughout the school; Miss Rowe even said in assembly "We'll have to sing really loud today to sing over the excitement in the FSU!" Thank you for bringing Boris in!
We have had a fantastic first week back at school; all being together, getting to know each other, getting used to learning in the classroom again but the children (and the staff!) have been enthusiastic and excited to see each other! We have had a very packed and non-stop week including PE in the sunshine on Monday, Mid Week Music with Miss Rowe and Dress up Friday in the rain! We have been revisiting our class rules, practising our phonics and hunting for shapes. This term we will be introducing the children in KS1 to a new reading and writing scheme so you will see some unfamiliar reading books coming home; "No more Sam Tam and Tim I hear you cry, how sad!" Thank you all for your support over the past few weeks with the children's learning and here are just a few snippets from our week. .. Have a great weekend.
Sara and the FSU Team |
AuthorWelcome to the class blog for Reception - Ash Class at Chagford Primary School Archives
January 2025
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