It's been a jam-packed week in EYFS. The children have been exploring the Chinese New Year, learning about the Zodiac animals and making Chinese Lanterns! The children did really well, listening to instructions, remembering multiple steps and, with guidance, cutting with scissors and sticking them in the correct way. Everybody then had great fun decorating their lanterns with glitter, colours and some with the zodiac animals too, really expressing their creativity and individuality.
We also had a really special visitor on Thursday. Josh came over from the fire station to talk about what it's like being a fire fighter. The children had plenty of time to ask him questions about his job and even to try on a real fire fighter's helmet! Pictures to follow! Have a wonderful weekend everybody, From the whole EYFS team
As part of our learning about different celebrations, the children used salt dough to create Diya lamps. The children very carefully chose how they wanted to decorate their Diyas and we then celebrated Diwali. The children in Reception have loved settling into school life at Chagford. They have been working so hard to learn new routines; all staff have been very impressed with the Big Robins meeting new high expectations. Well done, we are so proud of you all!
The children have been exploring their new classroom while building relationships and getting to know each other. There has been lots of focused learning on the theme, Marvellous Me as well as some impressive Maths and Phonics. Here are some photos of our recent Woodland School sessions, buddy reading with Year Two and some Independent Learning time in class. In school, we have been reading the story of Handa’s Surprise. We have been thinking about healthy eating and trying new foods. We used some of the fruits from the story to make our fruit kebabs. We used our knowledge of hygiene; washed hands and cleaned the tables before starting. We also used our knife safety when cutting up the different fruits. We really enjoyed the end products! Do take a look on Tapestry to see all the wonderful photos of what your child has been up to this week. If you haven't managed to get onto Tapestry yet please tell Elaine in the office - she can help you get on board.
This week ahs been all about 'The Day The Crayons Quit' - if you haven't ever read this brilliant book, by Oliver Jeffers, you should see if you can get it from the library or bite the bullet and get a copy from the bookshop. It's one of Mr Finch's all time favourites. The book gave us lots of jumping off spots for talking, drawing and writing. You should have found a crayon puppet in your child's book bag tonight if it didn't quit and run off to make its way in the world. Next week the children's learning will be based around Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Sheffler. The children will be venturing into the forest school area to make their own 'Stick Man' and making clothes for him. Sounds like a lot of fun. The children's phonics work is just phenomenal at the moment - I see all the children accurately recognising and writing sounds. I see the majority of children sounding out simple words which gives them enormous satisfaction. I'm very proud to see some children starting to write consonant - vowel - consonant words by working them out themselves. This is a brilliant foundational skill and the fact that some of our children are choosing to do this independently as part of their continuous provision makes me very proud indeed. We have been having a good old clear out in the Reception Classroom and trying to make the place seem more orderly and purposeful. To me it's feeling miles fresher and calmer already - huge thanks to Tina, Miss Pindard, Chloe Bennet and the others who have pulled a big extra shift to do this work - what a brilliant team. If all goes well there's goig to be something new and exciting in the EYFS area on Monday - I wonder who will be the first to spot it. Have a wonderful weekend everyone - see you on Monday. Mr Finch, Miss Pindard and all the team. "Who will help me sow the corn?" asked the Little Red Hen. "Not I" said the Cat...
This week in Ash Class has been all about The Little Red Hen. We have been making, drawing, colouring and writing all about where food comes from and how we prepare it and, on Friday, with huge excitement, we baked our own bread. I'm not sure who got more covered in flour - the children or Miss Pindard. Never mind - a huge amount of fun was had by all. Let us know if you are seeing the content that we are adding to Tapestry - Miss Pindard is keeping that updated and we want to know that it's getting through to you. here are some photos from our week in Ash Class. |
AuthorWelcome to the class blog for Reception - Ash Class at Chagford Primary School Archives
January 2025
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