Happy Half Term Everyone! It was a lovely end to the half term celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with the tea party at school. The children had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed the festivities, especially the scones! Hopefully all the children brought home their own special Chagford School Platinum Jubilee bookmark as well as their rocket ship and a bean plant. Huge apologies for the lack of geminated beans (I'm not naturally green fingered). If your child's bean didn't grow, then they have planted a new bean today, hopefully with some TLC they will soon appear!
Next half term we will be studying the following: - English - continuing with the RWI scheme - Maths - fractions, position and direction, place value (within 100), money and time - Geography - Oceans and Seas - Science - Animals (including humans) - Computing - Programming: Beebots - RE - Who do Christians say made the world? - PSHE - Growing and Changing - PE - Saints PE led by Mrs Edwards on a Monday and usually REAL PE on a Tuesday, although this may be replaced by dance rehearsals for MND. - Mr Dray will continue to teach the music and art I really hope that you all have a truly wonderful half term and find time to have fun and relax in equal measure. I look forward to seeing you back at school for the final half term of Year 1 on Tuesday 7th June 2022.
Beech class have been superb this week, there have been quite a few changes which they have adapted to brilliantly. On Monday and Tuesday mornings we had Year 2 join us while groups of them did their SATs, Wednesday and today there was a supply teacher in and Thursday was break the rules day. Well done Beech class! We had a great day on break the rules day, the children really enjoyed seeing each others outfits and having toys in class- thank you all for your donations. In Computing this week we have started making our rockets which we will complete and launch next week. The children persevered to make cones to go on top of their bottles. Here are some photos: Hopefully next week will be a little more settled. We will be finishing off our Adventurers and Explorers topic, starting our fractions topic in Maths and finishing our Science topic of Plants.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. The children of Beech class have made me so proud this week, they have been fantastic ambassadors for Chagford School! In Science, we have been learning more in our Plants topic. We have been naming British trees, deciding if they are evergreen or deciduous, and searching for them on the school grounds. We have also been learning about British wildflowers and have managed to find many of them in the forest school and in the hedgerows around the school. Here are some photos of us searching! In Maths, we have been carrying on with our multiplication topic focusing on making arrays to help us solve multiplication problems. Today we developed our learning to include doubling numbers, we used spots and a ladybird to help us. We had to put equal number of spots on both sides of the ladybird. We had our last session with Devon Wildlife Trust this week and we were able to make a bug hotel. A HUGE thank you to Proper Job who kindly donated materials to make this possible. One of the main reasons I was so proud of the children this week was due to our trip to Chagford Memory Café. The children showed patience, thoughtfulness, and kindness amongst many other skills. They socialised beautifully with the guests, listen avidly to their stories of time gone by and shared their own stories. We drew our own pictures of Queen Elizabeth II which we shared with everyone there, everyone thought they were excellent artists! Here are our pictures of the Queen. For more photos and details of our visit, then please do read Mr Finch's weekly newsletter. It may have been a shorter week, but we have been just as busy! This week in Maths, we started our multiplication and division learning. We practised our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using the video below, if you ask really nicely the children might be able to show you there amazing counting at home (please be aware of adverts before the video on YouTube, we have a filtering system at school, but you might not have the same on your home computer!). As the sun was shining, we made the most of it and went outside to chalk counting in 10s numberlines on the playground. We then practised hopping up and down them chanting! We had a lovely time with Paul creating perfect habitats for Winston the woodlouse, thinking about what he might need for food and safety. We even found a female woodlouse which was carrying eggs, look out for baby woodlice soon! Next week in our outdoor learning session, we will be creating our own bug hotel for school. We have been liaising with Nicky Scott and Proper Job to help us with resources, but if you have any of the below you could donate, we would be very grateful. ![]() In Science, we have started learning about plants and have planted French beans. We are hoping that by watering them regularly and giving them enough sunshine, that at half term we will be able to bring home a healthy bean plant that might produce beans for us to enjoy in the summer. Here are some photos of us planting them: Next weeks, we will be learning...
- Who the explorer Bessie Coleman was and what she did - We will be thinking about healthy eating and what makes a good packed lunch - Working on making equal groups and showing multiplication questions using arrays - Making our bug hotel and lots of other exciting things. I hope that this weather sticks around (and maybe rain at night!). Have a lovely weekend! |
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January 2025
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