Last week, it was Children's Mental Health week, to help celebrate this and raise awareness about mental health, we did lots of learning around our feelings and how to express ourselves. We read a lovely book called 'Ruby's Worry' by Tom Percival. It is all about a girl whose worry follows her around until she shares it with someone. First we thought about what our worries might look like. The children drew their worries and thought about what shape and what colour they might be. Here are some of their drawings: The children then reflected on what to do if we are feeling worried. Our top tip is to talk to someone and share your worry, the children did really well at identifying the people they could talk to; Mummies, Daddies, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Teachers, Grannies, Grampas etc. We also thought that doing an activity which makes you happy. We thought about the activities which made each of us happy, because we are so unique there were lots of different ideas. Here are some of them: Not only did we think about activities that made us feel happy, but we also thought about our happy places. We challenged ourselves to draw a picture of our happy place and write about why we liked it. Some of us thought about places in our homes, some of us thought about imaginary places with unicorns and some people thought about places abroad or where they have been on holiday. Here are some of our ideas. We wonder where your happy place is? In R.E we learnt about parables and how they are special stories in the Bible which teach us lessons, we focused on the parable of 'The Lost Son'. To keep on the theme of mental health and reflecting on feelings, we thought about the characters in the story and how they felt. We drew each of the main characters and describes their feelings around the edge of our drawings. Lots of children did really well at empathising with the characters. There is still so much learning the children did which we would love to share, but this is getting very long, so we will finish with some science! In science, we have been learning about everyday materials and their properties. The children were challenged to go on a material hunt around their houses and find as many different materials as they could. Once they have gathered them together, they had to see if they could match the material to it's property, it was hard word, but the children did a great job!
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July 2024
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